A Parent’s Love Is a Grace

Me, Jesus of Love
My daughter, you who give yourself without counting to your brothers and sisters, be my child of love in the Divine Will. I bless the day when your heavenly Father created you. You are me, my daughter. Live of me, in me, through me. Do not be you. I love you for your yes of love.

Yes, my children of the Love, I AM is definitely in each of you who give me your yes to the Love. I cannot act in you, my children, unless your yes has been pronounced. I live in you, I am active in you. You cannot see my Action; it is there close to you, in you. I am so powerful. Nothing can stop my Action. My children, give me your consent, your abandon to the Love. I am all love. The Love is living, he is active. Everything lives in the Love.

Love cannot stop itself. Can we stop growing when life is there, very alive? Love grows, blooms. Everything is so beautiful when love reigns in your life! Give me your life. I, Jesus, will give you eternal happiness in exchange.

Yes, my children, I repeat myself once again. I will not stop repeating myself, you are so deaf! You do not quit submerging yourselves every day in your habit of always wanting to dominate the lives of those around you.

Yes, look at parents! Into this world, they bring a child who needs their supervision, their instructions, their protection. They dominate this child through material goods. They cannot dedicate their time to him for his education; they entrust him to day cares in order to be able to offer themselves material goods. The love in them suffers from the parent’s absence.

You who love your children, do you sincerely believe that the hours of waiting in this world of crying will replace you? Your parental love, your attention, your advice, cannot be replaced by the care of a baby-sitter. No, my children, parental love is a grace that is given to you at the birth of your child.

My children, wake up, this is so damaging to your children. The games with the other children, this consoles them on the outside, but the inner hurt is there, it grows, it is not erased. Only your love can change the situation, as well as your presence throughout the whole day, not only in the morning and at bedtime.

See the animals. They take constant care of their little ones until they are older; they then distance themselves carefully. The little ones gain strength to be ready to survive in a world of lust for food.

My children, I am not telling you to give up all your material goods. Keep an eye on the excess which cannot replace the love you owe to your children. Watch them grow up now. They suffer constantly from a lack of love. Love is a part of them. They are searching for something. In the deepest part of them, it is your love they are seeking, what they did not have during their childhood: love, your presence.

Dear parents, what makes you suffer is not being able to give up your material goods in order to give your presence to your children. I know that deep down, you love them, but you have forgotten your real love: the one that gives, that offers itself, that abandons itself for your children. What you are missing are the graces that will turn you into love for your neighbour.

It is only through me, my children, that you will fill this void. My dear little children, come to me, your Jesus of love. I want you happy. In you, I am. Turn towards me, where you will find happiness. Exterior pleasures cannot fulfill you. You are lacking the essence of life, me, the Love.

My children, I am the one you are lacking: the Love. Yes, I am the one who is your happiness. The Love is so alive that he shouts within you: “Give me your yes to the Love.” My cry is loud, it doesn’t hurt, it is soft and good at the same time. I love you, my children, I love you. Come to me all of you. I love you, my daughter of love. Go, make a sign of the cross. Amen.

Source: Love For All My Children, Jesus. – Volume 1, Message 96 (May 14, 2001). By The Girl of My Will in Jesus, Les Éditions FJ

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